Monday, April 04, 2005

Am I a B*tch???

So I just found out that one of the other grad students got NSERC. I think that for most people, I would be happy for them, but not really this person. I've taken a few classes with them, and I think that they are a huge brain leech and can't think anything through on their own. Am I being a super-b*tch here? Maybe I'm just jealous, I don't know, I just think that there are other people more deserving than this person (say EK).

Oh well, my complaining is over.

The weekend went well, C-dub and I had a good visit and got some relaxin' time in. Now it is the nose back to the grind stone trying to make some headway in 774. I've got most of Q6 of assignment 1 done, but my explicit solution isn't working :( oh well.

1 comment:

Blythe said...

WHO GOT NSERC? I am just dying to know!