Do you ever spend 2 hours of wasted time trying to solve a problem only to realize you had your damn units wrong by like 6 orders of magnitude? This is me. I feel like a moron.
Okay, other than that, not much going on. I've been feeling under the weather most of the week, but only missed tuesday at school. By the end of the day I've been pretty worn out and had no energy to do much other than lie on the couch and curse my damn stomache. Yesterday was really no different, but it was so nice, I had to get my bike out for an early spring ride. It was beautiful, I made it about 18 kms, I could have gone further, but didn't want to overwork myself and my feet were getting cold. I was feeling a little better in the evening and managed to get out to chapters. I picked up birthday cards for my sister and AFs mum.
This weekend the only solid plans are to go to Toronto for AF's Mum's birthday. We are going to take her out for dinner at an Iranian restaurant. That is all I know. Other than that, I'll be working on my presentation a bit. I want to be able to get my model running over the weekend so that I can get some results to analyze on Monday and Tuesday I can finish my presentation, Wednesday practice and present. Ahhh... nothing like waiting till the last minute. Its nice that I'm finally getting somewhere though, it's at least mildly reassuring :)
Oh, and my other good news. I realized this morning that I've been getting jipped on my pay this term and have been getting ~$225 less a month than I should be. Which so far means $675. So I'll be getting a cheque for that amount sometime in the future.
hmmm... I'm having another ill moment. Damn sickness!
Friday, March 31, 2006
Damn Units
Posted by
11:23 a.m.
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Has just been given. middle sis called me last week to say she's preggo. Yay! Aunt Laura! Yay!
Okay. That is enough excitement for this morning. I'm at home sick today. I think I'm going to try and mark a bit, but I can only stay seated for half an hour or so... funny thing, I was sick like this about 2 years ago at the end of fourth year. Also when I was super busy. Okay. Going to lay down again for a bit and work up the energy for marking.
Posted by
9:16 a.m.
Thursday, March 23, 2006
The F word
Just got out of a meeting with my supervisor and the F word came up. Yep. Fall. Not cool. So not cool. Hopefully I can get this stuff sorted out soon!
Posted by
3:19 p.m.
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
2 days post trauma
And everything is hunky dory. I haven't heard from the girl yet, so I'm assuming that they aren't going to get it fixed, it really wasn't that badly hurt (hurt? do you use hurt for car? my words are just failing me today). Not much is going on in Laura Land. EK and I were planning on doing the Around the Bay Relay race and we went to register yesterday and realized it was sold out. Ooops! We still managed to run 15 k yesterday which is the farthest I've gone post marathon and it felt pretty good :). That is around my goal long run distance for the summer. If I could get out there and do that once a week it would be awesome.
Other than that, really not too much going on here. I am in a bit of a lull work wise as the supervisor and I are waiting to meet with people in Chem Eng. I can't really go on much until we talk to them. I'm working on my paper for the conference (leaving out the all important results/discussion/conclusions sections for now ;). And having anothter look at the stuff I've written for my thesis. Perhaps now would be a good time to start looking over the formatting requirements so that I can at least use my time here in my lull productively :). Hope everyone is having a great hump day. only two days to weekend!
Posted by
3:16 p.m.
Monday, March 20, 2006
I'm all shook up
And not in a good way. I was driving home from AFs this morning and I rear ended a car. It was the most serious accident I've ever gotten into. It wasn't that bad really, but I'm a little shooken up to say the least. What happened? from what I gather the car two up slammed on his breaks after an intersection when someone decided to j-walk across the street. the car in front of me had enough time to react, but I didn't. perhaps I was following a little too closely, perhaps I was a little too sleepy. Probably something I'll never understand. Not too much dammage was done (my licence plate plastic thing got broken and the plate itself bent, the bolt hold the plate in scratched the bumper of the car in front. kind of fummy the way it hit, my licence plate was pretty much in the place of hers other wise more dammage probably would have been done. She has my information and I'll probably hear later today what they want to do. It was more scary than anything else.
My weekend was good. AF and I went up to Blue mountain and ended up spending the night there. It was pretty good, my first time up there since most of my skiing ontario has been in eastern ontario. He improved so much since the first time we went. He was even able to go down a couple of blue runs :)
This morning I'm feeling not 100%. I'm staying to talk to my supervisor for a bit, but I think I might head home early. my tummy is feeling a little off.
Posted by
10:00 a.m.
Friday, March 17, 2006
A few things this morning
1) Happy day after you're birthday to UBC Chick! I hope you got my e-mail yesterday :)
2) Happy St. Paddy's Day! Drink lots of green beer.
3) I went with AF to toronto last night. We're going skiing this weekend and decided to borrow my dad's old skis since rentals are so expensive. So we get to Dad's GF's house and we are planning to stay like 15 minutes... 1:15 later we finally get out of there... I had to drag AF away from my dad, they were talking middle eastern politics.
I guess that is pretty much it for now. I didn't set my alarm last night to let myself sleep in a bit. I just finished up breakfast and am going to start my marking now. I think I'll mark from home for a bit this morning and go in later. hopefully I'll get a question marked. That would be nice, but this assignment is huge and will likely take a long time to mark.
Posted by
8:29 a.m.
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
Two weird dreams in a row
This time I was being accused of a murder I didn't commit, and was trying to make a get away. My surroundings were changing all the time. On minute I was in Corbyville, the next in the engineering buildings at Waterloo (they were, but at the same time weren't). Next thing, bang, I'm in Calgary trying to get a greyhound bus ticket. All very very strange. It felt like I was stuck in an action movie and was all very scary. Very scary indeed.
Last night Burger and QC came over to watch Pride and Prejudice. I was pretty impressed at how well they stuck with the main plot line of the book. Obviously, it is a 300-400 page book, so there were somethings left out, but it was pretty true. Mind you, I read it 6 years ago, so I may be forgetting ;).
Tonight AF is coming over. He has an interview for a new job today. I hope he gets it! He's pretty miserable in his current job and is very over qualified. I'll be holding my breath all afternoon :)
Posted by
10:16 a.m.
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Last night I had the strangest Dream
I'd ever dreamed before... I dreamed the world had all agreed To put an end to war.
But I digress. I did have a strange dream, but it had nothing to do with war. In fact, I have absolutely no clue where this dream came from. I dreamed that I was getting married, and it was the day before my wedding and I didn't have all the details sorted out. I went to bed with plans of just figuring out the reception meal in the morning. Smart idea laura. So I woke up in the morning and started to freak out because I decided that I didn't have enough food in my place to feed 150 people (what a surprise) so I asked my mum (yep, she was in my dream) about what I should do. She sent me to the grocery story (with danielle) to pick up food... the plan, ceasar salad (since in comes in bags) and Lasagna that was already prepared. While at the grocery store, my time was running out and I realized I didn't have a hair or make-up appointment so I asked danielle if she could do it. No problem. So we are in the checkout and my cell phone starts ringing and it is my masters supervisor. He's calling me to see how my research is coming along. How bizarre is that? I think that the dream is from a bunch of different things. 1) Burgers Anxiety post on friday 2) me thinking about my mum yesterday when talking to AF, 3) my feeling super stressed out about my lack of progress on my thesis stuff... doesn't help that I have two huge conference deadlines coming up in a week and two weeks respectively. The me getting married bit I have no clue about. Absolutely none. I don't even remember if the issue of who my husband-to-be was came up. Bizarre.
Okay, one other thing. I posted some pictures of my adorable god daughter and my weekend. And not related. It's campus day today which means lots of highschool kids around. Someone is blasting music and I can hear it in my office. Very annoying.
Posted by
9:26 a.m.
Monday, March 13, 2006
Well, that is over with
Another busy weekend for LJ. I went over to AFs on Friday night and we watched Walk the Line. It was pretty good, an interesting story to be sure, but after seeing both that and transamerica, I think felicity huffman did a better job in her role. I think it would be way more challenging, and also, I didn't think that reese witherspoons role wasn't really even that big. She was in it a lot, but I'd think that it would be more in the role of supporting actress. But I digress.
Saturday we were up bright and early to head to bville. It was definitely a whirl wind weekend. We got to my dad's place at around noon and AF gave him some gold bond cream to help with the "itch" he was having from his "rash". As I had suspected, my dad thought it was hilarious and proceeded to tell everyone about it over the weekend. I think it was a good way to break the ice between them :). before lunch I showed AF around my property and we walked down to the sap line (for maple syrup). It was beautiful out! after lunch we went for a walk in the woods behind my dad's and went quickly into town. I bought a new winter jacket since the ones I have now, are pretty crappy (my good one doesn't keep me warm anymore and my other won isn't waterproof and was never really warm, and they are both boy jackets and look crappy on me!). So yes, my new jacket is a Northface Banchee. Very nice :) And since my dad has sent a lot of business to the owner of the store, we get a great discount :) cost me $220 (note: this site is selling to for 170 pounds which is like $374 plus shipping!)
Saturday evening we went for Dinner at my sister and bro-in law's. They actually had company then - my aunt, uncle and cousin from Ottawa so AF got to meet more family than we originally planned. It went pretty well though, no one said or did anything embarrassing, and AF seemed to really like my uncle in particular - He is an electrical engineer and used to rock climb so they could talk shop about both while everyone elses eyes sort of glazed over.
Sunday morning we started watching the Constant Gardner but we didn't get a chance to finish it. It is one I've wanted to see for a while, so hopefully we'll rent it soon. I thought it was really cool because the beginning takes place in Kenya and it looks so much like where my sister lives in Tanzania. And the language (swahili) was the same so I was able to pick up a bit of what they were saying. Very cool. Friends of our family came over for lunch (Brian and Helen, Brian would be my dad's best friend, Helen was my mum's, and I used to be best friends with their daughter for the fist 15 years of my life, they are kind of my surrogate parents :)). Danielle and Maddy also came over and Maddy pretty much stole the limelight. That kid is getting so smart, and of course she was as adorable as ever. After everyone headed out we got our stuff together and headed back to the loo. We got back into town at 8:00 on the dot to find all the grocery stores closing for the night. Gar! No... food... in... apartment. I guess I'll manage for another day.
So that was my weekend. We managed to get through it with no embarassing occurances and AF met a lot of people without incidence. I hope everyone liked him :)
Posted by
9:24 a.m.
Thursday, March 09, 2006
Pictures Up!
My pictures from my ski vacation are now up! There are lots of them. My personal favorite is the one of the sun setting behing the mountain. I think I'm going to have to add it to my wall of pictures :) I also like the ski chalet one though. Decisions, decisions.
Last night AF and I went to see TransAmerica at the Princess. It was pretty good, but not great. On the outside it was about a guy having a Male-Female sex change, but the real story is about the relationship s/he develops with the son s/he never knew s/he had. It was pretty screwed up, but still managed to hit on some emotional level. What really made the movie though was the excellent acting. I love Felicity Huffman and think she is by far the most talented actress on desperate housewives, and one of the most talented on TV.
I guess that is it... oh wait. Not sure if I mentioned this before, but AF is coming home with me to B-ville this weekend. Scary stuff! No one I've ever dated (not that there is many) has met my dad. I hope they get along!
Posted by
10:32 a.m.
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
Very weird
I especially like where they compare the size of the thing to a salad plate. Appetizer anyone?
Oh, and pictures still on the way. the picture feature was doing some weird stuff last night.
Posted by
8:34 a.m.
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
Time for an update
I got in from my BC ski trip last night and AF came over for the night. I'm turning into half of one of those cheesy couples that misses each other when we're appart for 5 minutes... well, 5.5 days anyways.
My trip was pretty good all round. I'd give it 3.5 stars out of 5. missing half a star becuase of stress of school work weighing on my mind. didn't get done nearly enough when I was there. My dad talks too much ;) missing a full star since I did something wonky to my lower left arm. I think it might be a hairline fracture and I'm going to the doctor soon to get it checked out. I hate injuries. Before anyone asks, I don't know how I did it. it just started hurting and has progressively gotten worse. I did it on friday and by the end of the day sunday I couldn't pole plant or even carry my ski poles with my left hand (due to the torque). Hopefully I'll get some kind of splint put on that will still let me use my arm for important things like marking and computer modelling. Tonight when I get home, I'll post some of my pictures from my trip on my photoblog. It was beautiful!
Now I'm using my arms differently than normal my whole upper body aches. kind of funny how one little thing makes such a huge difference.
Anywho, back to marking. I'll update you all on my doctors appointment.
Posted by
2:31 p.m.