Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Chillin' in K/W

Last night I didn't do too much. I did my laundry and then went to run a few errands (including a getting a birthday present for a certain friend in B-town :)).

Yesterday before leaving school I got all my compile-time errors and warnings sorted out! yay! so my program is now compiling, I just have to spend the next few days debugging to make sure that I am getting numbers that make sense!!! I <3 Programming.

So Nothing else new to report I guess. Tonight is the season finale of Amazing Race. Yay!

1 comment:

lj said...

I miss you!!!

I hope you start blogging again! As for De-bugging, still at it, but getting there.

Hopefully my home internet will be back up again soon. The resnet person is supposed to be back from vacation soon.