Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Who can read? a short rant.

Apparently not the jokers that were swimming in the pool this morning! I was swimming away in the fast lane, minding my own business. I know I'm not the fastest swimmer, but I definitely belong in the fast lane as long as the ex-varsity swimmers aren't there.

So I'm doing a set of 200 breast and I get to the end of the pool, and there were two people standing across the end blocking my way for the turn, I swim around them and keep going. My next set was legs only, and they finally start swimming. I always do 8 lengths of legs when I go, 1 flutter, 1 whip, 1 flutter, 1 dophin, and then repeat. So these people who are swimming in the FAST lane (which is clearly marked) start doing their front crawl, except, I'm going faster than them doing my dophin and whip kicks, wtf? do these people not know how to read?

Granted the fast lane wasn't busy, but neither was the slow lane. After I was finished my planned work out, I did 2 x 50 fast to show my annoyance. It got rid of them in a hurry though, I should have done it way sooner!!!


BrightDolphin said...

*raises hand*

I can read! Hooray for reading! ;o)

Some people are just inconsiderate and/or ignorant, regardless of whether they can read or not. Sometimes they read the sign and say, "who cares?"

Bah, people are annoying sometimes.

Lotus Blossom said...

I feel for ya! I get so very annoyed with that same situation when I go lane swimming... which I really should do one of these days!