Tuesday, March 28, 2006


Has just been given. middle sis called me last week to say she's preggo. Yay! Aunt Laura! Yay!

Okay. That is enough excitement for this morning. I'm at home sick today. I think I'm going to try and mark a bit, but I can only stay seated for half an hour or so... funny thing, I was sick like this about 2 years ago at the end of fourth year. Also when I was super busy. Okay. Going to lay down again for a bit and work up the energy for marking.


Lotus Blossom said...

Feel better soon... Congrats on the soon-to-be-Aunty news! :D

Anonymous said...

Congrats Aunty Laura!!! It's such an amazing feeling to have a niece or nephew. Do they know if its a boy or girl yet?