Sunday, December 05, 2004

Weekend Update...

So, I know you are all wondering... "Did She? Didn't She?" well, that is going to have to wait since I am chronologically minded.

On Friday Night, I did nothing. I was trying to focus and get stuff done, but alas, my mind kept on going back to K and I kept thinking about it. I had pretty much convinced myself that I was going to call/e-mail on Sunday and confess my feelings, well, maybe not go that far, but at least ask him to coffee or something similar.

Saturday I slept in and did my christmas cards and got them sent out. I made peanut butter nanimo bars in the afternoon (thanks again burger! you rock!). In the evening I went to my aunts and uncles for dinner, it was nice to see family again :)

Sunday was running, sleeping and reading (gotta love those journal articles). Oh yeah, and the $50,000 episode of What not to wear (my fav. show). I was a little disappointed, the chick on the show didn't have my sense of style (not at all), so none of the stuff she picked out would be stuff that I like.

So that brings us up to the did she bit. I did not. I decided that the timing isn't good. We will be leaving town in a week and a half and I personally will be gone for 2.5 weeks. I just don't think that it really makes sense to be starting something right now. If I continue to see him in social settings in the new year, then I will reconsider then. If not, yeah, I like him, but it has only been about a month and a half, so really, I don't have that much invested.


Blythe said...

wimp ;) just kidding

lj said...

Its nothing we didn't know before:) I have had crushes on MANY guys thoughout my life (way to many!) and I've only ever done anything about 2 of them (and a third who reciprocated my feelings and made the move).

Anonymous said...

carpe diem!!!


Timing is just an excuse... You better do it when you get back.