Thursday, December 16, 2004

Work Work Work

(I like the triple word titles - from the last week we have "practice practice practice", "complain, complain, complain", and todays "Work, Work, Work". What can I say, I'm Laura Three-Three-Three. (Does anyone get that?)

Okay, so yesterday was crazy busy. I was up to 12:30 doing work last night/this morning. And for me, that is saying something. Up again at the crack of dawn, and I've been working about an hour and a half already today. Last night at around 10 or 11 I realized I made a MAJOR error in my file set up, so I had to start my visual modflow all over again. I got it all set up last night before going to bed. Luckily, like burger said, after it is set up, everything else is easy shmeazy. I have all 5 runs done now, and I just have to get the results into a file and quickly write up about it. And then finish writing up Assignment 5, and I'm done. I hope I'll be done by 12 or 12:30. then I can run in and get it printed off. if not, no big deal, I could just print it off when I go into school for the hydrolab christmas party tonight. Actually, I think I will do that. (Hopefully it will be done by then!!!)

So nothing else really. Dad is coming to pick me up tomorrow so hopefully I'll have everything done in time!!!!!

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