So the past few days have been a whir of activity.
Friday was spent at school, then home to make my dish for the potluck, to spinning, and then home to quickly shower. The potluck was lots of fun. It was nice spending time outside of school with that group of people.
Saturday morning - man that was stressful. Wake up to 2"s of fresh snow. Don't think anything of it and head down to ring road to catch my bus to downtown to get my train. Snow not cleared off roads = bus 5-10 minutes late. I power walk from king st. to the train station. spend 10 minutes in line. When I get to the front of the line, the phone rings (now 9:10, train supposed to be leaving), apparently it is stuck on the tracks outside stratford and won't be moving anywhere. Ack! So have to figure out how I'm getting to Peterpatch - don't remember bus times either!) they are going to bus people to toronto but I likely won't get there in time to make my transfer, what time is next train to coburg. oh, that would be 6:45 leaving toronto. Ack! Okay, calm down. Left train station at 9:15, and am hustling! I have to make it back down to king (5 minute power walk) and hopefully catch a bus to the bus depot, but no guarantee of when the bus will be along. I know there is a bus leaving at 9:30 to toronto, an maybe if it is an express bus I could still catch the train to coburg. A nice lady stopped and drove me to the bus station. I ended up making it onto the bus at 9:31, express to toronto. Could have made the coburg transfer, but apparently there was a transfer at the bus station to peterborough, and ended up all the way up there. Phew. Long winded I know, but it was super stressful! Thanks to the random lady, I never would have made it up to peterborough without her.
Saturday afternoon we went to the festival of trees which was pretty neat, and then out to the Junction. I had a mini-breakdown when I realized I'm old and nowhere near where I wanted to be when I was 25. It is pretty depressing really. I want to have kids in like 5 years, but I'm no closer to that point in my life then when I was when I was 13. And no, single motherdom is not appealing to me, I will not have a child if I'm single.
Sunday morning had to get a hold of Bro-in-law, which proved difficult, but eventually he picked me up at 11:15 to drive me back to his place and then onto my dad's for family dinner. I got my trainer, yay!!! I still have to set it up. I fell asleep on the couch at 9 watching the 3rd harry potter.
Monday morning I was trying to get off early to come back to waterloo. My sis and Dad don't really understand that yes, I do actually have to be at school, I was hoping to leave by 9, but because of them, didn't get off until 10:15. Made me late for the 4th year project presentations, and I didn't have time to actually do anything other than drop off my bag and grab my rain jacket, so I had to go back home after the presentations. Not fun. Ran with the Tri club, did my laundry, and went grocery shopping last night. All fun.
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Busy Busy Busy
Posted by
9:09 a.m.
Thursday, November 24, 2005
I'm enamoured
Crap. If this crush gets worse, I won't be able to talk to... yep, you guessed, Ironboy.
Running again with the Tri group tonight, but because of the snow storm only 4 of us showed up. Me, Ironboy, and two other boys who don't come out often, also training for ironmans. AKA, everyone in much better shape than me. So I kept up for the first 2K, but decided to drop back since I was working too hard and slipping back too much (the faster I try to run in this weather, the more I slip). Ironboy told the other two to go ahead and ran with me the rest of the run. We chatted the rest of the run (another 15-20 minutes) and then all during stretching and what not. Turns out he also tore his ACL and that is why he decided to do a tri. Ah. Okay, I'm going to stop gushing now :)
Posted by
5:54 p.m.
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Am I a bad person?
So last night I deleted one of my MSN contacts. It is someone I used to be friends with a few years ago, but I haven't talked to her in literally years. So I just got an e-mail from her wishing me a happy early birthday and asking me what I'm up to. Weird. Now I feel totally bad about deleting her from my list! I'll reply later on today I guess.
I was also trying to figure out this whole internet dating ettiquette. It is damn confusing. You "smile" at a guy, they "smile" back, is the ball now in my court to send a mail message. So damn confusing.
Man. I'm cold today at school. I've got the heat on max, my touque on and my mits when I'm not typing. What is wrong with me? I think it is the fact that my apartment is so toasty warm, I want my office to be that warm too!
Posted by
11:44 a.m.
Monday, November 21, 2005
A guy's perspective
I'll explain the title at the end of this entry.
So Friday night was Harry Potter! Nej came up from b-town and we went with P&J, Q&R, and Burger. It was pretty great! They left out alot of the back story but managed to keep in all the key points. My thoughts are that they made the movie as good as they possibly could have. What made the book excellent was all the character development which would have taken hours more to do in a movie because of this, people who haven't read the book might not think it was as good.
Keeping with the Potter theme, Saturday Nej and I hit the town and went to the Waterloo Potters Guild show to do some christmas shopping. I picked up a stocking stuffer for my sis and a maple syrup pitcher for myself (It was pretty cheap, so I don't feel that bad about it :)). Saturday afternoon I ran a bunch of errands and relaxed at night.
Sunday morning I went for my longest post marathon run. 10K ooooooo. I did some more errands and got ready for my dad and his girlfriend who came for lunch. They were picking up the car since my oldest sis is flying back down from Tbay this morning and is borrowing the car for the last week of her visit.
Sunday night I was chatting with my friend AL (think BC). Something that I haven't actually mentioned here before - Last spring after E started dating P, she gave me her lavalife profile that had some "credits" on it. At the time I was still kind of skeptical of the whole internet dating thing and didn't put much effort into the thing. I didn't really search people, just waited for others to search me, and didn't get any responses. Nada. So anywho, last night AL and I were talking about all this, and he helped me update my profile, and voila, like magic, I've gotten something like 4 or 5 "smiles" in the last 12 hours. I haven't decided who, if anyone, I'm going to reply to since the replies cost credits, but we'll see. Just made me feel a little better about myself!
Posted by
8:34 a.m.
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
E-mail from Lisa
Hi Laura,
If you or anyone you're aware of would like to make a donation - cheques
can be made out to;
"Kenton Carnegie Memorial Fund"
The donations can be brought/sent to my office.
Lisa Schneider
University of W/loo
Environmental & Geological
Undergraduate Office
Posted by
11:31 a.m.
Nothing much new
Just talked to Lisa about the donations, apparently they were going through the funeral home, but they are now going to be going through the department. She's waiting to hear back from SG in the Deans office and said she will e-mail me when she finds out.
Nothing else new really. Ran with the tri group again yesterday. Went pretty good, was actually able to keep up for most of the run yesterday (a couple of people sprinted on ahead, but I kept with/ahead of the main pack, so I was pretty happy about that. Back in mostly good health :)
Also Burger decided to give me some dating advise. Thinks I should be dating more. I couldn't agree more, but I lack the confidence to make a move, and no guy has shown any interest in me in, oh, 5+ years. Lots of fun there. Boo-urns to being single.
Posted by
10:34 a.m.
Monday, November 14, 2005
Sad news
Daily Bulletin
Thought you guys outside of waterloo might be interested (and saddened) to read this. I don't know if any of you knew him, I can't claim that I did, but I certainly knew of him through engsoc type stuff and through the TA I had this summer (I was TA-ing the Enviros only). So sad, so horrible.
Posted by
9:56 a.m.
Friday, November 11, 2005
Anyone want to go to lake placid with my in July?
I've decided I'm going to volunteer there at Ironman USA (closest Ironman to here). I'm so excited about this :) It'll be such a great experience :)
Oh, and if anyone cares, Hawaii is on TV tomorrow at 4:30 on NBC.
I love watching it every year, and dreaming of the day (if ever it is in the very distant future of hearing "Laura Jones of Ontario, you are an Ironman". So cool :) It's going to be so much fun to be there!!!
Posted by
7:57 p.m.
Thursday, November 10, 2005
Well a little better anyways. I'm not completly congested and I seem to have my roaring appetite back... I can't wait until lunch time today :) haven't had that feeling for a while.
So I went to swimming last night. Only 5 people went :O... craziness. We swam (well, I did anyway) 2400 yards and I felt pretty good. Only really out of breath once, but most of it was at a pretty slow pace. So my current dilema is do I try to go for a run tonight with the tri club (at 4:30) or do I not tempt fate and stick with swimming yesterday and spinning tomorrow? Other details... I have to get down to Toronto tonight to pick up my car (sis is en route to t-bay as I write to visit friends up there, so I will have the car for the next week and a half).
Option 1) Bus leaving campus at 5 pm arrive downtown at 7 pm, this option I miss running with the tri group. Although free dinner is involved :)
Option 2) Bus leaving downtown terminal at 7:30 arrives downtown at 9 pm, this option I must pay for city bus ticket and I'll arrive back later.
Right now I think I'm leaning towards option 1. I want to run (I miss it), but I really need to get rid of this illness, I'm still not 100% although I'm feeling 20 times better than I did earlier this week. I'll need to make up my mind soon though since I'll have to call my dad and tell him what I'm up to and get a bus ticket... ah, decisions.
Posted by
11:20 a.m.
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
So I woke up with a full blown cold on Friday morning which progressed over the weekend. Saturday I couldn't breath... well at least through my nose, Sunday my nose wouldn't stop running/sneezing. Sunday night I started feeling nauseous which continued through monday morning. I didn't go to school yesterday. By monday afternoon I was feeling marginally better so decided to go for a run. Bad idea. Took me 4 minutes longer than usual for the route and my heart rate was through the roof. This morning nauseousness seems to be mostly gone but my cold seems to have taken a step backwards. Nose worse than yesterday and throat the worst it has been. Needless to say I don't think swimming tonight is happening. I learned my lesson yesterday. (Oh, I slept for like 3 hours during the day last night and still had no problem gettin in 9.5 hours last night... can we say worn out?)
Okay so today I decided to come into school. I'm feeling like crap, but hoping that as the day goes on I'll start feeling a little better. I might go home a little early today, depends on how the day goes (like if I get back my headache).
Other than that... got to see my sis this weekend which was nice. We had a Jones family get together, the only ones not there were my cousin Dave and his girlfriend (she live in BC, he is going out later this month.) Even the cousins from Sudbury were down. It was great getting to see everyone again, but as is always the case not enough time.
Posted by
8:40 a.m.
Friday, November 04, 2005
I'm such a pack rat
One of the drills that we did in swimming on Wednesday left me with a few questions so I got out my old swim books to look up the proper technique for front crawl, and what did I find? My old lesson plans complete with Homework assignments for levels 4-12 :O Crazy. I can't believe I still have all that stuff. I'm ready to jump in the pool and teach Aquaquest tomorrow. All I need now is to actually be qualified again :O
I amaze myself sometimes... Not in a good way.
Posted by
3:31 p.m.
Thursday, November 03, 2005
Scary stuff
So I am currently reading a book titled "Oxidation in Organic Chemistry" for those of you who aren't chemistry buffs (like me!) oxidation is generally used in the water treatment industry to "get rid" of organic contaminants. This book was written in 1965. The attitude of the book however is to use and control oxidation to make new fun organic compounds. Fun eh? Kind of scary, sounds kind of like they thought "What would happen if I add x to y?" without thinking much of the consequences and the saftey of what they were creating. Got me thinking a bit.
Last night was swimming with the Tri club. Good times. About 2000 yards, but there was some stroke improvement drills that were a big waste of time for me. (Both my sisters (former instructors as well) have told me I have near perfect strokes, I just need to work at getting faster - and no, they aren't telling me because they are my sisters, they tend to be critical. We used to critique each others strokes to make sure we weren't getting sloppy.) Disappointing development however is that ironboy is hairy. Like really hairy. Luckily it is contained to the chest, but I prefer my guys hairless thank-you (As most of you know I have a bit of a hair thing).
Posted by
1:08 p.m.
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
Happy First Day of Work Nej :)
Not much else to post about. Last night I went to swimming, it was so so. too much whip kick for my crappy knees :( It is sad since I used to OWN breast stroke. I guess that happens though when you have knee surgery and aren't able to do whip kick for a long time.
Oh, and I also chatted with E online which was nice, I miss that girl! (Hope it went well today chickie :))
Posted by
9:57 a.m.
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
Happy Birthday to... My blog???
Yep, that is right. 1 year ago today I posted my first post on this here blog of mine (after switching from livejournal). Wow, how time has flown.
So what have I been up to??? Not much. Friday I went home after lunch and called my sister. Went to the gym for a spinning class, came home and started cleaning my appartment.
Saturday I woke up and didn't do to much in the morning, but got to the gym by 10:30 for a body flow class and to use the elliptical. Man, it has been years (literally) since I've been on one of those). In the afternoon I went grocery shopping and in the evening continued to clean my apartment.
Sunday I got up at my normal early hour despite having an extra hour. I did laundry and made cookies in the morning and went to the gym to do weights (Shocking I know) and went to soccer - we lost 1-0 so that is the end of our season. We played really well though in the second half :). Sunday night we went out for desert at the plantation to celebrate my marathon. I felt a little silly about this, but EK wanted to, so I didn't want to deny her ;)
Monday more of the same. Came to school, carved pumpkins in the hydro lab, handed out candy, went to bed.
Oh what an exciting life I live.
So now onto the mopey bit... At times like this, I really hate being single. I think it always happens when my schedule slows down a bit and I have time to spend by myself. Don't get me wrong, I love (and need) me time a lot, but I just feel like something in my life is missing. I know I have the best friends and family in the world, but it's just not the same. I want a companion, someone to share my life with. GAR! Where are all the single guys??? I know I can be picky, but is it too much to ask for a single guy who is active and enjoys the outdoors? really, it isn't that much.
Posted by
8:52 a.m.