Wednesday, January 04, 2006

More G-rated fun

So as I said yesterday MCB and I went to see goodnight and goodluck last night. Not really what I was expecting, but it was pretty good nonetheless. As AL would call it, there was lots of "Accidental touching"/body contact... an hour and a half into the movie he finally worked up the courage to hold my hand (note: the movie was only 1:40 long!) Finished off the night with a hug goodbye. Like I said, one of us is going to have to get over the shyness. He did however invite me to go out for his birthday with his friends, so now I have to figure out what to get him... what do you get someone that you've only just started dating??? I'm considering tickets to the Banff Mountain Film Festival. If anyone has any ideas, let me know!

Okay, so back to reading "Chemical Reaction Engineering"... what an exciting life I lead.


Blythe said...


I think tickets to the festival sound like a fabulous idea! I'm sure it'll be something he appreciates :)

Lotus Blossom said...

I think you should be the one to break the shyness barrier! Trust me... I know what shy guys are like, and they can be rather stubborn about their shyness! JB admits that if I hadn't made the "first move" we wouldn't be together... he was that shy!

lj said...

Ack! you've got to be kidding nikers! I doubt I'd be able to do that... having my hand available for holding was hard enough!!! But we'll see. Maybe I'll get so frustrated that I don't care anymore :)

Lotus Blossom said...

Be brave... you can do it! Make sure you at least keep that hand available for holding...

Anonymous said...

Smooth like buttah! :) First hand holding, you know what's next! DO IT! DO IT! DO IT!!!!