Friday, November 05, 2004

cool blog I came across... He seems to be really well spoken.

I didn't do too much last night. Some baking and my laundry. Very domesticated night. I also watched survivor. I was glad that the women seemed to act with a brain for once and got rid of Rory. I was dissappointed though that they didn't spin it differently with the guys. Had they suggested they vote off Rory and said the other girls would go along, the Lopevi (sp?) tribe would have more people and they could have bluffed out the guys for another week.

I think I am going to go home early today. Have a little nap then go grocery shopping before Keely comes for the weekend (yay!). I'm bringing home a stack of stuff to read this weekend, hopefully I actually get some work done this weekend, I feel WAY behind in my research, it seems to have taken the backseat for almost a month.

That is it, Have a great Weekend!!!

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